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ECA and RES4Africa partner to advance electricity market regulation for private sector investment

20 octobre, 2022
ECA and RES4Africa partner to advance electricity market regulation for private sector investment

Addis Ababa, October 20, 2022 (ECA) - ECA’s Private Sector Development and Finance Division and the RES4Africa Foundation partner to review the regulatory environment of electricity markets in Morocco and Senegal, and release two reports titled : Regulatory Reviews of Electricity Market: Towards Crowding-in Private Sector Investment.

The Regulatory Review of Electricity Market in Morocco was presented to Moroccan authorities and electricity stakeholders on the 5th of October in Rabat, during an event on "Accelerating the energy transition in Morocco: Challenges and opportunities in a changing world.” The event, organized by RES4Africa, with the participation of ECA, gathered eminent representatives from the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, the National Office for Electricity and Drinking Water, the Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy (MASEN), the Société d’Investissements Energétiques, the Research Institute for Solar Energy and New Energies, the Policy Center for the New South and other institutions. The launched regulatory review identifies major areas of strenght in Morocco’s electricity sector, as well as identifies key policy and regulatory areas for advancement. The report was launched with SRO-NA representing ECA at the event.  

The Regulatory Review of Electricity Market in Senegal was presented during a similar event held in Dakar on the 14th of October. Representatives from the Agence Nationale pour les Énergies Renouvelables, the Renewable Energy Department of the Ministry of Petroleum and Energies, SENELEC, Commission de Régulation du Secteur de l'Électricité and other national institutions. Furthermore, the EU Delegation to Senegal, Enel Green Power, the European Investment Bank, Proparco, ERIL, COSEER Energy, COPERES, Schneider Electric, Gridspertise, the Ambassador of Italy to Senegal and other invited private sector stakheolders attended the event. At the opening of the event, Ms. Karima Bounemra Ben Soltane, Director of IDEP, representing ECA delivered a key note. Ms. Soltane outlined that “addressing regulatory  barriers to private investment in the sector is essential, and ECA, including through the capacity development efforts of IDEP, is ready to support member States in their quest for energy transition and greater participation of the private sector.” The lauched regulatory review acknowledged the immense progress Senegal has made in electricity market regulation, and identified key areas of further advancement.

Mr. Robert Lisinge, Chief of Energy, Infrastructure and Services Section, and Acting Director of the Private Sector Development and Finance Division, stated that "the work we do on national regulatory reviews, capacity support on regulatory system development using our upcoming software (ROAR), and our work with AUC on a continental framework on regulation and private sector participation are essential in working with member States towards regulatory improvements to meet SDG7 goals through greater role of private sector investment."

Mr. Roberto Vigotti, Secretary General at RES4Africa Foundation, acknowledged that “the cooperation between RES4Africa and ECA represents a successful best-practice of public-private dialogue. Today, we are continuing this partnership and moving forward in supporting African countries.”


Download report [Examen réglementaire du marché de l'électricité au Sénégal: vers une attraction des investissements du secteur privé]

Download report [Examen réglementaire du marché de l’électricité au Maroc : vers une attraction des investissements du secteur privé]


Issued by:
Communications Section
Economic Commission for Africa
PO Box 3001
Addis Ababa
Tel: +251 11 551 5826
E-mail: eca-info@un.org


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